Prof. Michel De Bandt
Baccalauréat série D, 1978. PCEM 1, Faculté Paris V, 1979. Études de médecine au CHU Paris-Ouest de 1978 à 1983. Reçu aux concours de l’Internat des Hôpitaux de Paris, de Rouen et de Lille mars 1983. Service militaire au titre de la coopération, de novembre 1984 à Mars 1986, en Afrique (République du Cap-vert). Ancien Interne des Hôpitaux de Paris (1983-1989) Chef de clinique à la Faculté, assistant des hôpitaux de Paris de 1989 à 1993. Service de Rhumatologie, Professeur MF Kahn. Hôpital Bichat. Thèse de doctorat de médecine: faculté de Paris, mars 1988,"Manifestations rhumatologiques au cours de l'infection VIH". Assistant de 1993 à 1996, dans le service de Médecine Interne du Pr D Herman, Hôpital Bichat. Attaché temps plein, service de rhumatologie, Pr O Meyer, Hôpital Bichat . 1996-2000. Assistant temps plein, Département de Médecine, Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou. 20 rue Leblanc, 75015, Paris. 2000-2003. Chef de service de rhumatologie, Hôpital R Ballanger, Aulnay sous Bois, 93600, 2004-2012. PU-PH chef de service de rhumatologie , CHU de Martinique .
Dr. R. Carmona
Dr. Carmona is a rheumatologist and Associate Professor of Medicine at McMaster University. He completed medical school and internship at the University of the West Indies (Trinidad). He went on to do Internal Medicine Residency and Rheumatology Fellowship at McMaster University, following which he joined the faculty at McMaster in 2009. His clinical interests include all inflammatory arthropathies (including rheumatoid arthritis, and seronegative disorders such as ankylosing spondylitis, psoriatic arthritis, and enteropathic arthritis), as well as inflammatory ocular diseases. Dr. Carmona is actively involved in the undergraduate and postgraduate training programs, and is the Director of Medical Foundation 5, McMaster MD Program. He is also a Royal College examiner for the Rheumatology certification examination. He is the recipient of the McMaster Department of Medicine Undergraduate Teaching Award (2015), and the McMaster AFP Internal Career Clinician Award (2010). Dr. Carmona is also the creator of, an open-access website that hosts an array of educational content that he develops. This includes the acclaimed video series “McMaster MSK Examination Series” and “McMaster MSK Injection Techniques”. These tools are used by universities and trainees across North America and internationally.